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Dog Birthday Party Photography - By Ohio's Premiere Pet Photographer Holly Hildreth by Holly Hildreth

I have a tradition of doing birthday photos every year of my own dogs on their birthday to celebrate. I try to make the theme different every year, and also use it as an opportunity to get a little creative! Today I wanted to share with you my youngest corgi Brisket’s birthday photos. Brisket turned 3 this year, and you may not know this, but he’s not actually a dog—he’s really 3 possums stacked on top of each other in a trench coat…inside a corgi’s body.

This year I went with a color explosion for the party theme. I wanted a vibrant color pallet, reminiscent of Lisa Frank’s style for my puppy’s 3rd birthday party.

Of course I can’t just share this year’s photos without also including his last 2 birthdays as well. For his 1st and 2nd birthdays, I wanted to go with something simple, since he was still very much a puppy and not interested in modeling for me. Now that he’s older he is obsessed with getting his picture taken.

Cute corgi dog wearing a birthday hat during a photoshoot in Columbus, Ohio. Photo by pet photographer Holly Hildreth

Brisket’s 2nd Bday

corgi dog wearing a birthday hat during his dog birthday party Photo shoot with Columbus, Ohio Professional Pet Photographer Holly Hildreth

Brisket’s 1st Bday

A dog eating ice cream during his birthday photo shoot

Bonus Photo:

Brisket enjoying his doggy ice cream

Which doggy birthday party photos are your favorite? If you’re looking to book a professional pet photographer to capture some birthday portraits of your dog, please use my contact page to request your session today!

Celebrating Specially-Abled Pets - Columbus, Ohio, dog photography by Holly Hildreth

Hooray! Today is Specially-abled Pets Day! This day honors and celebrates differently-abled pets, their stories, and the families that love them.

One concern I hear from owners is that they’re afraid their pet isn't suitable for a photo shoot due to being blind, deaf, mobility or otherwise impaired. They worry that we may not be able to get their attention, or that if their pet is not able to run and play, then they will look sad in the photos. I’m here to tell you that you have no reason to worry! Here is proof that we will absolutely get wonderful images of your faithful friend regardless of any impairments they may have.

In my years’ of experience, I have had the pleasure of working with pups from a whole spectrum of abilities, and as a result, I have figured out lots of the little secret tricks to get your dog’s attention. From dogs who are diabetic and unable to have treats during the shoot (my personal dog is diabetic too!) to seniors who are unable to stand, to dogs experiencing deafness, blindness…(or both!), I have seen it all, and know just the right ways to photograph these pets. Plus, you might pick up a secret tip for getting your dog’s attention from our photoshoot, that you can use at home when you’re taking your own snaps of your furry friend.

I wanted to celebrate today by sharing some of my oh-so-cute clients who haven’t let life’s curveballs slow them down.

Do you share your life with a specially-abled pet? If so, tell me about them in the comments below!

Columbus, Ohio, Rescue Dog Photography - Giving back by Holly Hildreth

Growing up my parents engrained in me the importance of giving back to your community in whatever way you could. The idea that you should always give more than you take, is one that I’ve carried with me into adult life…which is how I became involved in dog rescues!

As a kid, some of my happiest memories were going to the local humane society with my dad, and just spending time with the animals. I loved being able to meet so many different pets and giving love and attention to them when they need it most. Especially since ending up at a shelter is perhaps the most stressful experience of a dog’s life.

When I was in college, rescues started becoming more common. I also got my very first dog at this time, and well, once I had a dog in my life it was game over—I became obsessed with dogs and began photographing friends’ pets for some of my college assignments. So, when I graduated and moved to Ohio, I wanted to find my fellow dog people. That’s when I decided to join my first animal rescue. I started out by fostering dogs when my schedule would allow it, and then quickly discovered the need for high-quality photography of these adoptable dogs. With the rise of social media and adoption sites like Petfinder, having professional, attention-getting images of dogs in need proved to be instrumental in helping these good boys and girls find their forever homes.

Besides the obvious benefit of giving back to the community and helping animals in need, I love photographing rescue dogs and puppies, as it helps me keep my skills sharp. In rescue you have all kinds of cases, from beloved family pets whose owners passed away, to puppies that maybe were an impulse buy from a pet store or backyard breeder, and now that puppy is too big/energetic/too much work for their new owners. We also see some devastating cases of abuse, neglect, and severe under-socialization in situations like hoarding cases or puppymill cast-offs. Through volunteering with area rescues, I have been able to work with animals with all different levels of training, energy, confidence, and friendliness. This experience has helped me learn how to work with each animal individually, tailoring the shoot to their comfort level, in order to make their session as stress-free as possible.

The most common worry I hear from new clients inquiring about a photo shoot for their family pet is that they worry their shy dog won’t “cooperate”. I always reassure them that in 13 years of photographing animals, I’ve not yet met a dog that I couldn’t win over. I owe a lot of that to my experience in volunteering to photograph for rescues. Meeting and working with such a wide variety of dogs and cats has given me the necessary skills, tricks, and patience to take on any pet confidently.

Winter in Ohio is generally the slow season for most photographers. This means I have more time to volunteer and photograph adoptable dogs. One recent session that has really stuck with me is the “PopStar Litter”. The “PopStar” puppies are currently looking for their forever homes through Stop The Suffering Ohio. This little family’s backstory is heartbreaking. Unfortunately, the 7 adorable puppies you see here had an awful start in life. These sweet babies were found (as newborns) the day after Christmas, literally freezing to death in a trash pile in Kentucky! Luckily they were found just in time by a good Samaritan. After receiving emergency medical care, battling respiratory illnesses, and being bottle fed and cared for around-the-clock by foster volunteers, these babies are finally happy and healthy pups who are ready for their forever homes. To apply to adopt, visit stopthesuffering.org/adopt

Not in a position to adopt a new friend, but still want to help homeless pets? Area rescues and animal shelters are at capacity. If it weren't for our volunteers, we wouldn't have been able to save this little family. It takes a village-- from those who transported the puppies to Columbus, to the veterinarians who treated them, to the foster homes who provided love and care, to those who helped raise the funds to be able to pay for the emergency costs. Every bit of help makes a difference, and there are so many ways to make an impact. Visit STS's website to learn about ways you can help pups like these: https://www.stopthesuffering.org/copy-of-about-1